„New icons“

01.11.–02.12.2023, Artrovert gallery

The “New icons” collection are miniature paintings that are a continuation of the previous “icon” series – Nukke started painting them in 1998, and the new 12 icon-like paintings have been completed in 2022 – 2023.

The exhibition in the Artrovert gallery is a pictorial expression of the apocalyptic present.

The beginning of the 21st century could be described with Shakespeare’s thought that “…time is out of joint…” and the last years have been particularly stormy. Accumulated tensions, which most people probably feel, are depicted in “new old-fashioned” paintings.

The narrative and simple illustrative language of the icon gives you the opportunity to decipher seemingly complex processes for yourself. The paintings are only outwardly similar to holy images. They are distinguished from the original models by the technique, they are created in the symbiosis of oil painting and collage, the similarity is added by the gilding technique. Serious topics have become somewhat funny and narrative in them.

Because where do we draw strength from in difficult times, if not from irony.