Valga police house

„The Light I“. Mixed media. 120 x 200 cm. 2021

„The Light I“. Mixed media. 120 x 200 cm. 2021

Embassy of Estonia Moscow

„The Last Relic II“. Oil. 70 x 120 cm. 2020

„Moment from the movie: Dead Mountaineer’s Hotel“. Oil. 200 x 160 cm. 2020

„Moment from the movie: Dead Mountaineer’s Hotel“. Oil. 200 x 160 cm. 2020

Stenbock House on Toompea

„Cloudy Border“. Oil. 300 x 140 cm. 2021

„Estonian Weather“. Oil. Triptych, 545 x 190 cm. 2021

„Estonian Weather“. Oil. Triptych, 545 x 190 cm. 2021