1996–1997 – Hollywood I, II


1996 Hollywood

By the end of May, Club Hollywood will have a new interior. The theme of the one-hundred-square-metre mural is Hollywood film stars. In her interpretation of the brief, the collage artist, Mall Nukke, has given Mickey Mouse ears to Batman, Marlene Dietrich and other superstars…

Eesti Ekspress, 1996, 24 May

Mall Nukke, Hollywood and today

Last night was the unveiling of the mural by artist Mall Nukke at Club Hollywood. The untitled work is based on the theme of Hollywood and today. It is the largest collage, indeed work of art, that has ever been made in Estonia. Using a multitude of colours and reflective surfaces, classic Hollywood stars and young people of today are brought together on the walls of the club.

Marko Mägi
Õhtuleht, 1996, 19 July